Find parents-help-parents
Looking for an alternative to a babysitter or childminder? Then parents-help-parents might be something for your family! These are parents that are open to share babysitting hours with each other. For example, when they have to work and you don't, you can arrange that their children come to your home on that day and vice versa. Babysits currently has 37 parents-help-parents members matching your search.

I'm a busy parent raising 4 wonderful children - 3 grade-schoolers and 1 teenager. They're a creative, playful, and friendly bunch who keep me on my toes! I'm looking for a caring..
Number of children:
Age of children:
- Gradeschooler
- Teenager
Last activity: 3 days ago
RM 16.03/hr

I'm a parent looking for a caring and experienced babysitter, nanny or childminder to take care of my 3 wonderful children - a 5-year-old and two 8-year-olds. They are an energetic..
Number of children:
Age of children:
- Preschooler
- Gradeschooler
Last activity: yesterday
RM 20.00/hr

We are small Indian family staying in Setiawangsa. Our only daughter is 6 years old this year. We are looking for someone who can take care of her during this school holidays and when..
Number of children:
Age of children:
- Preschooler
Last activity: 4 days ago
RM 18.00/hr

Hi there! I'm a busy parent of a lively 2-year-old toddler. Our little one is full of energy, always curious, and loves making new friends. We're looking for a caring and trustworthy..
Number of children:
Age of children:
- Toddler
Last activity: 1 month ago
RM 15.00/hr

I'm looking for someone to look after my 3 year old boy. Active, playful & talkative.
Just for 1 night for his parents to go out dating and have a bit of fun.
Please contact..
Number of children:
Age of children:
- Preschooler
Last activity: 1 month ago
RM 16.00/hr

Kami adalah keluarga kecil kami yang terdiri daripada anak lelaki kami berumur 1 tahun yang aktif dan ceria. Kami sedang mencari pengasuh atau ibu bapa lain yang boleh membantu menjaga..
Number of children:
Age of children:
- Toddler
Last activity: 1 month ago
RM 15.00/hr

I am a busy parent to two young children, a 1-year-old baby and a 3-year-old toddler. Our family is looking for a reliable and experienced babysitter or another parent who can help..
Number of children:
Age of children:
- Baby
- Toddler
Last activity: 1 month ago
RM 15.00/hr

Kami adalah keluarga kecil yang dinamik dengan tiga orang anak berusia toddler dan prasekolah. Anak-anak kami penuh dengan tenaga, ceriwis, dan suka bermain. Kami sedang mencari pengasuh..
Number of children:
Age of children:
- Toddler
- Preschooler
Last activity: 3 days ago
RM 15.00/hr

I am a first time mom navigating through my maternity leave alone during work hour on weekday with my 1 month old baby girl at home. I need childcare for few hours per day while i..
Number of children:
Age of children:
- Baby
Last activity: 1 month ago
RM 15.00/hr

I have 3 kids aged 11, 6 & 2. They are very energetic and well behave kids. They all go to school morning until afternoon.
I am looking for someone who can help with school pick-up,..
Number of children:
Age of children:
- Toddler
- Preschooler
- Gradeschooler
Last activity: 2 weeks ago
Average response time: 40 minutes
RM 20.00/hr

Looking for a baby sitter who can take care of my baby girl from afternoon till evening. We are a family of 3 members. Looking for someone who has patience and experience dealing with..
Number of children:
Age of children:
- Baby
Last activity: 1 week ago
RM 10.00/hr

We are expats who are staying in Johor for 6 weeks. We need help with the kids and light chores in the morning from 8-1p
Our boy is 2 years old, and girl is 6 months old.
We are..
Number of children:
Age of children:
- Baby
- Toddler
Last activity: 2 months ago
Average response time: 14 hours
RM 18.00/hr

Sebagai ibu bapa, kami mencari seseorang yang boleh memberikan perhatian dan kasih sayang penuh kepada anak-anak kami. Kami mempunyai 3 orang anak yang gembira dan berdikari, iaitu..
Number of children:
Age of children:
- Baby
- Toddler
- Gradeschooler
Last activity: 2 months ago
RM 5.00/hr

我是一位新手爸爸,正在寻找一位值得信赖的保姆来照顾我的活泼、友好和爱玩耍的宝贝儿子。我希望这位保姆能够有烹饪经验,能在我的家中照看我的孩子。欢迎您随时联系我,安排一个初步会面,了解您是否适合照顾我的孩子。I am the mother of three wonderful daughters, they are 7, 9, and 11 years old...
Number of children:
Age of children:
- Baby
Last activity: 1 month ago
RM 16.00/hr

I'm a busy parent looking for a caring and responsible <localised_babysitter_type_required></localised_babysitter_type_required> to help with our 2 active kids, a 4-year-old preschooler..
Number of children:
Age of children:
- Preschooler
- Gradeschooler
Last activity: 2 months ago
RM 16.00/hr